How can marketing coaching & monthly website updates help me grow my business?

These package options offer Marketing Coaching, Website Updates, & as-needed Marketing Services. This is super unique to the online business & marketing industry, because you have both a marketing strategist inside your business, and someone to implement the ideas onto your website every single month.

Think about all the times you’ve had a great idea for your business, but you haven’t had time to add it to your website, and so it never sees the light of day or gets implemented into your business. This is where I come in, and what makes this so valuable for your business.

If you love working in your business, but don’t love all the associated work that comes with being a business owner (things like … thinking of new marketing ideas, managing website updates, updating blog posts, email marketing, etc. etc.) then this is a great option to keep the marketing going at a highly strategic level, without having to do it all yourself.

What is Marketing Coaching?
Marketing coaching is strategically planning & implementing a custom marketing plan for your business.

During these meetings we cover everything from marketing strategy for the upcoming month to business practices to help grow your business. This is where we make the game plan for the month, and then I take what we talked about and bring it to life on your website or through your marketing. We pack a lot of strategy into these meetings.

FAQ: Do I have to come to these meetings with all my ideas for the month?
No, the purpose of these meetings is for us to assess the current state of your business and for us together to uncover the best strategies to implement for the month. Usually, I have a few ideas to bring to the table, and if you have ideas too, you can definitely bring them to this meeting. During this meeting, we will create a plan that aligns with your business goals and is what makes sense to implement on your website to support those goals.


Monthly Marketing Coaching + Website Updates Package

This package is ideal for you if…

  • You get excited talking through marketing plans, but want help implementing them behind the scenes (on your website or email marketing)
  • You’ve been taking action in your business, but want to hone in on exactly what brings in the right clients for you.
  • You want to have more of a focus in on the marketing plan (vs. wider focus on overall business)
  • You like having structured accountability by working with a coach
  • We will set goals at the end of each meeting, and check in on them

What happens during our Marketing Coaching meetings?

  • I help you take more focused actions in your marketing, not necessarily more actions (everyone needs more saved time, right?).
  • We’ll look at the analytics together (Google Analytics for your website, or social metrics on your profiles) to help determine what moves the needle and helps you reach clients.
  • Create strategies to welcome more people into your world (think downloadable freebies, guides, etc. that can be used again and again)
  • Put a long term strategy plan in place for your marketing
  • Evaluate your sales process to create less friction for your potential clients, and an easier experience for you.
  • Website/marketing updates can include: any website updates needed or email marketing updates in FloDesk, ConvertKit, or similar email marketing system.

Included in this package:

  • 1 Monthly Coaching Meeting (This is a one hour meeting 1x a month.)
  • 3 hours of website/marketing updates every month
  • Ongoing email support between meetings
  • **Any website updates requested beyond 3 hours can be added as a la carte hours


Weekly Marketing Coaching + Website Updates Package

This package is to help you reach the next level in your business, by leveraging your marketing with a more high-touch coaching package.

This package is ideal for you if…

  • This is a great option for business owners who thrive on routine and extra accountability. Meeting weekly helps us focus in on short-term goals that help implement long term action plans.
  • You want to focus on your business as a whole, and not just areas that are connected to marketing.
  • You are looking for clarity around the right actions to attract the right clients and ultimately build your business.
  • You love what you do for your clients, but the other parts of being a business owner (marketing, sales, etc.) don’t come as naturally to you & you are looking for support.

What happens during our Marketing Coaching meetings?

  • I help you take more focused actions in your marketing, not necessarily more actions (everyone needs more saved time, right?).
  • We’ll look at the analytics together (Google Analytics for your website, or social metrics on your profiles) to help determine what moves the needle and helps you reach clients.
  • Create strategies to welcome more people into your world (think downloadable freebies, guides, etc. that can be used again and again)
  • Put a long term strategy plan in place for your marketing
  • Evaluate your sales process to create less friction for your potential clients, and an easier experience for you.
  • Website/marketing updates can include: any website updates needed or email marketing updates in FloDesk, ConvertKit, or similar email marketing system.
  • And, because we have additional time together in this package:
  • We’ll be able to create marketing and business systems that save you time over the long term.
  • We focus on the big picture of your business, and how your marketing plans support your business goals.

Ready for the details of what’s included?

  • Weekly Coaching Meeting each month.
    (Typically we meet at a set day/time each week to keep things simple)
  • 3 hours of website/marketing updates every month
  • Ongoing email support between meetings
  • **Any updates requested beyond 3 hours can be added as a la carte hours

Interested in marketing coaching? Schedule a call to talk through the details with me.

Schedule Strategy Call