Download Your Client Connection Guide

Thanks for downloading the guide “The Four Cornerstone Strategies to Create Connection (and gain new clients) on Your Website”.

These four strategies are powerful connection points, but often overlooked. After reading this guide, I’m confident that you’ll be able to implement these on your website and in your business. Make sure to take note of the “Action Step” for each strategy & schedule time in your calendar to implement!


PS — I want you to love sending clients to your website. If you are ready for a strategically designed website that creates true connection with your ideal client, schedule a free strategy call with me at

Here’s a sneak peak… page 2 of the guide!

Recent Projects

Take a moment to check out these recent brand & website projects. If you like what you’re seeing, schedule a call with me so we can talk through the details.


Serendipity Beyond Design

Ginger, the founder of Serendipity Beyond Design, is a designer who creates beautiful keepsake invitations for weddings, showers, parties, and celebrations of all kinds.